Better than pet hotel
Whisker – dog hotel in home conditions.
Very often people are in situations in which wondering where to leave one’s pets while the owner is gone or who could take a dog for a walk, while everyone is busy? If relatives or friends cannot help in these situations then an alternatives are considered. Mostly there are animal hotels in which pets are put into restricted area in which case, they are limited in their freedom and contact with humans. Not for every owner and their pets this is acceptable, therefore, Whisker offers animal hotel in home conditions in which pets can stay either at caretaker’s place or at their own place which would lead to less stress and habitual conditions.
Whisker caretakers offer dog walkings, short-term and long-term dog sitting at one’s place or at caretaker’s, as well as, dog sittings during the day and visits. Whisker will make sure your pet is healthy, loved and gets lots of attention. We will take care of special needs and administration of medicine, if necessary. This “private” pet hotel and dog walking service is offered in Riga and other Latvian cities.
Whisker dog “hotel”
- Free first visit and introduction to the caretaker;
- Lower prices compared to other dog hotels;
- Insurance for pets;
- Educated and animal loving caretakers;
- Home conditions at owner’s or caretaker’s place;
- Individual care;
- Daily routine performance;
- Regular dog walks;
- Photo updates on how your pet is doing;

Cat hotel in home conditions.
Even though cats are less sociable than dogs, they need attention and care as well. If you have planned to leave for a couple of days, probably, you may leave your cat at home with the conditions that cat has food and water. However, if you are leaving for more than couple of days, your cat needs special care.
With changes in environment and adaptations to new conditions, such as animal hotel can be very stressful. The best you can do is to give home conditions to your pet so there is no stress attached. Whisker offers to take care of your pet at caretaker’s place or a caretaker can come to your place for vista and provide all necessities – food, water, clean litter, and activities such as playing and attention. We will take care of special needs and administration of medicine, if necessary. We provide service in Riga and other Latvian cities.
Whisker cat “hotel”
- Free first visit and introduction to the caretaker;
- Lower prices compared to other cat hotels;
- Insurance for pets;
- Educated and animal loving caretakers;
- Home conditions at owner’s or caretaker’s place;
- Daily routine performance;
- Communication with the caretaker;
- Activities;
- Photo updates on how your pet is doing;

If you are gone for longer, than Whisker caretakers can not only pet sit and dog walk, but also, if needed, take out your mail, water plants, take out trash and look after your place.