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    Customer Service


    If you have to find a caretaker for your pet then use our Whisker website!

    Get In Touch

    You can get in contact with the caretaker via our website. To
    contact Whisker customer service go to “Customer service” or
    “Get In Touch”.


    Our caretakers are prepared for different situations because they
    have taken course taught by a certified cynologist.

    Great Choice

    Whisker is the only platform that connects pet owners with
    trained caretakers who will make sure your pet is in good

    Travel Without Worry

    The question, where to leave your pet when you are planning to
    travel is not a problem anymore. Whisker is the platform where
    you will be able to conveniently find the caretaker.

    Easy To Use

    Whisker website can be easily accessed both on computer and
    mobile device. Reserve our service without limitations!